Heron and Egret Bird Calabash Christmas tree ornament and hand rattle
These unique Christmas tree ornaments and rattles are made from calabash tree pods (gourds) by native artisans from the Ampiyacu River region of the Peruvian Amazon. This rattle features the figure of a blue heron - one of many long-legged birds found near water in the Amazon and other parts of the world. It is an iconic figure seen standing still or slowly walking as it patiently searches for fish, snakes, frogs or other prey with its pointed sharp beak.
This rattle has a chambira palm fiber chord allows it to be hung from a Christmas tree. The beads inside also make it a great rattle that fits in the palm of your hand.
Please remember that the artisan carves these rattles one at a time so the exact design and shape of the calabash pod will vary from the photo shown of this model.
Model: ORWB039 (crested heron); ORWB064 (great blue heron); ORWB099 (white egret)

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Amazon forest loss is driving species to extinction, aggravating global warming, and robbing people of unique medicines, foods and other benefits. Cutting and burning forests is often more profitable than conserving them, so some native communities in northern Peru have illegally logged and grown coca and other cash-crops to escape poverty.
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