Carved tagua palm nut disks and wooden bead necklace
This unique elegant boho-style necklace features a pendant of natural white tagua palm nut disks spaced with round wooden beads and two large huayruru seeds. This necklace was made by a skilled artisan from the Manos Amazonicas group in the village of Chino on the Tahuayo River.
Model: NK087001

Carved tagua palm nut disks and wooden bead necklace
Sale price$25.00

Support native artisans & rainforest in the Amazon
Amazon forest loss is driving species to extinction, aggravating global warming, and robbing people of unique medicines, foods and other benefits. Cutting and burning forests is often more profitable than conserving them, so some native communities in northern Peru have illegally logged and grown coca and other cash-crops to escape poverty.
Learn more how you can support today.