Vision, Mission and History


We envision an Amazonia where people create sustainable livelihoods, strengthen traditional communities, and conserve the world’s largest rainforest.


Bora native artisan planting guisador dye plant in Brillo Nuevo village. Photo by Campbell Plowden/Amazon Ecology


Amazon Ecology promotes the well-being of the Amazon ecosystem by supporting its people to create sustainable livelihoods, vibrant cultures, healthy and empowered communities, and resilient forests. 


Artisan pair from San Francisco with woven bird ornaments.  Photo by Campbell Plowden/Amazon Ecology



The Center for Amazon Community Ecology was founded as a non-profit organization in 2006. Our programs have focused on helping people from traditional communities to sustainably harvest and market value-added non-timber forest products like handicrafts and essential oils so they can make a living without damaging the forest.

We now work with over 200 artisans from 16 native and campesino communities in the northern Peruvian Amazon. We sell some of our partners products through our online store, retail stores and special events and reinvest part of our sales to support health, education and reforestation in our partner communities.  During the peak of the pandemic, we provided medicine and food aid to almost 600 families. 

Maijuna native harvesting copal resin. Photo by Campbell Plowden/Amazon Ecology


Bora artisan with guitar strap. Photo by Campbell Plowden/Amazon Ecology