The closing of our AVP Training for Facilitators included a round of Namaste where two people bow to each other. This customary greeting from India roughly means “the Divine in me greets the Divine in you.” AVP is not associated with any faith, but it is often a deeply spiritual experience.
Everyone shared positive comments for each other in the Affirmation posters as well as brief thoughts about the ways the workshop affected their head, heart and hand. One participant said she very much wanted to apply what she had learned to create more respectful dialogue in the general meetings in her community.
We all applauded when the graduates received their certificates. They were all then eligible to be invited to join a facilitation team in a future workshop as an apprentice.

Participants share comments in evaluation of AVP Facilitator training

Two participants share Namaste greeting and farewell in AVP workshop

Participant shares affirmation with fellow workshop apprentice facilitator