Supporting artisan organization on the Yaguasyacu

July 09, 2024

Supporting artisan organization on the Yaguasyacu

I'd like to share some comments shared with us by Angélica, a veteran artisan from the Bora native community of Ancon Colonia, who participated in the Artisan Organization workshop held in May.  

“I am grateful to have participated in the organization workshop in Nuevo Perú - a Bora native village on the Yaguasyacu River - a tributary of the Ampiyacu River.  I am 60 years old and even though I have been an artisan for a long time, I was thrilled to learn new things like overcoming the fear of public speaking, improving communication, and how to better sell my crafts. I would have loved to have received training like this when I was younger, but I feel this workshop has truly opened my eyes."

"I had heard about marketing before, but didn't I didn't quite understand what it meant. Now I know how it can help us share the story behind our crafts and reach more people. It was enlightening to discover the importance of market research and identifying different types of customers. I really enjoyed the role-plays of selling crafts since they gave me the chance to experiment with different ways to relate to potential buyers. Our community is small, but that will make it easier for me to share what I’ve learned with my neighbors."

"I hope to join other Amazon Ecology workshops in the future. There is still so much to learn and new skills to refine. I am grateful for this valuable experience and the opportunity to grow as an artisan.  Thank you all so much.  See you in the upcoming workshops!”

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